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The beginning

The first Era

Limbo Rift, Ephalon

The great fusion - 'The Merging'

   This event commonly refers to the instance when the four radix dimensions fused together creating the circumstances under which Ephalon was born.


   Two principal things came into existence as a consequence of 'The Merging':
- First, the nine governing elements.
- Second, the Gods of creation known as 'The Six'.


   Yet, there was a hidden consequence which didn't become apparent until much farther along the path of history. Assuredly, the worlds combined into one, however, the fourth known as Limbo, the dimension of nothingness, was denied union and cast aside. This act resulted in the forsaken world to be bizarrely tethered to Ephalon, which still allows access to it, though only via extreme methods.

Gods of creation, Ephalon

Creation of Ephalon - settling period

   I must confess, most of this consist of pure conjecture on my part, but I like to think this is how things transpired. It is impossible to know how many years passed since the Gods came to Ephalon, one thing is for sure; they were the ones that shaped our planet to look the way it does. Or at the very least created it in such a way to have it turn out as it has.


   First, 'The Six' laid claim to their respective continents to make their homes there. Next, they created life, though with what purpose, whose to say. Regardless, these 'servants' were initially brought into existence to deal with lesser tasks, leaving 'The Six' to focus on the bigger picture. 
  After having performed their duties, supposedly the servants were released upon the world, all the while, the Gods of creation took a much-needed break.

Left behind, Ephalon

The War of Dominance

   This period is the earliest instance in history that we retain valid historical proof from; in the form of artefacts, books and geographical shifts. Apparently, as it was written, The Six had imparted the knowledge of scribing onto certain individuals. These persons were decreed to write down the events of history as they transpired. I have read many such documents, and I cannot speak favourably of the level of embellishment that they utilised, however, if even a tenth of what they transcribed took place, the war undoubtedly must have been horrible beyond imagining.
  The fighting took place among the three major factions which were represented by the progenitor species. However, there were some mentions of earlier battles among them whilst the Gods still reigned upon Ephalon, though they intervened on all occasions imploring their lesser's to cease combat and strive towards co-operation. For the classical ignorant reasons, with their Gods now gone, this so-called desire for unity among the different species was no longer present.
  The exact duration of the great war has never been accurately determined since even the firsthand writings cannot attest to this. An unambiguous shared aspect of the scripture was that with each passing year the war grew more intense. New tactics and even weaponry were continually being developed and tested on enemy forces. Most feared of all, were the Forbidden books wrought by the Ancients. These unholy tomes were instilled with the power to summon forth the vile energies that lurked within Limbo.

Truce, Ephalon

Beyond the annals of history

​  One day, Ephalon came into existence. So, it is not unreasonable to surmise that there must have been something to spur its creation.


   Within the academic community, there is a majority concession that the earliest known event to have occurred in Ephalon's history is something we refer to as 'The Merging'. Though, how this came to pass is unknown to us all.


   So, what caused 'The Merging' to transpire? The answer to this question is widely regarded as the single most pertinent revelation within history. Whoever uncovers this truth would undoubtedly be spoken off for all eternity.

The nine elements, Ephalon

Emergence of 'The Six'

   The Gods of creation are the ones who spawned the three progenitor races. It is widely regarded that we, I speak of course for those of pure blood, were created from their likeness.


The mighty dragons: Enterra and Arack

The noble Ancients: Orythorn and Erafar

The wily Cenebrians: Aodia and Numen-Nier

Minions of the Gods, Ephalon

Departure of The Six

​   The Gods allegedly imparted part of their divinity into the beings they had created, however, with each passing generation this power lessened. It's impossible to say how much truth there is to this claim. I for one do not believe it for a second.


   What is undeniable, is that there came a point when 'The Six' suddenly left or disappeared from Ephalon. The reason for this? I honestly do not know. Many things of this Era remain a mystery and will likely stay so for generations to come.​


   Regardless, their sudden departure was no doubt followed by mass hysteria. After all, what is a person to think of one's living deity suddenly leaving them?


   A clear consequence of this circumstance was the creation of a massive power vacuum. It is thought that this ultimately led to what we refer to as, the War of Dominance. Arguably the most sordid and violent part of Ephalon history.

Dragon attack, Ephalon
Hidden Ancients, Ephalon
Tear into Limbo, Ephalon

Truce, the end of the first Era

   It was written that upon realising that the war would end in nothing less than total mutual annihilation, the three species dispatched ambassadors to call a truce in the hopes of halting the never-ending conflict.
  Thankfully, they succeed in their endeavour, as for obvious reasons, I would otherwise not have been alive today to recount this. My mother was forced to take part in the war near the final months, and regrettably, she succumbed to the afflictions of a disease she contracted whilst out on the battlefield.


   Though the exact duration of the war is not known, I do recall it was estimated to have lasted for a little over one-hundred years. I believe it goes without saying how unfathomably long that period must have felt. Even so, the grudges and hatred that had initially spurred the war would not be healed so easily.

   And there you have it. The truce which ended the War of Dominance is what many among my scholarly cohorts consider the end of the first Era.
  This period of history remains shrouded in secrecy and shall do so for many a year to come. Who is to say that the scribed works from that Era are not written with the intent of obfuscation, after all, it was a time of total war, so trust was in short supply.
  History from this point forwards has thankfully been recorded more accurately. I can attest to this since I was the one who wrote most of it!

Daniel, Ephalon
The fifth Era
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